The Sweetest and Smoothest Giveaway from Hey Sugar

Typically, a trip to the waxing salon inspires a lot of dread—except if you’re headed to one that is all-natural, organic, practically painless, and...

NailAHolics Promo Alert: Win A Trip To Maldives

Walk into any Nailaholics branch and you are immediately ushered into a different world. The world quiets down, even for just a few hours,...

Nailaholics Promo Alert: Get Pampered and Stamped!

Living in a tropical country certainly has a lot of perks. Perpetually sunny days, year-round airy summer fashion, and an annual healthy glow thanks...

Celebrate National Pampering Day At NailAholics!

Consider this the best excuse to give yourself that much needed day of pampering. Mark October 17 on your calendars—because from 10AM to 12...

Change the Way You See Beauty

Have you ever heard about beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Me, yes. Countless times already and being the pessimist in me,...

Mall of Korea Opens in Manila + Giveaway

Do you still remember your dream of visiting Korea, travel around the city, relive those Korean Telenovelas you watched, and just shop all till you...

Beautiful Inside and Out With Myra Facial Wash

With the countless beauty products in today's generation, we want to know the best products suitable for us to achieve those white and glowing skin. With...

Top 5 Most Stylish December Nail Polish

Time really flies so fast as December 2014 is about to end in a few hours.What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? Have...

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