Project 81: PH


    107 POSTS
    In love with coffee dates, mountains, and beaches. Currently in the season and process of unlearning, relearning, and learning together with God.
    107 POSTS

    Ready my stories

    Move fast. Don’t overthink. Let it go.

    Always move fast. Don't overthink. Let it go. (Repeat 100 times) I was busy searching for...

    Do’s and Dont’s for Guys when arguing with Girlfriends

    Have you ever been in a relationship or currently in a relationship? Can you...

    3 Easy Steps on How to Start Your Day...

    Have you ever felt feeling guilty at the end of the day because you...

    3 Major Reasons Why You & Your High School...

    High school memories were one of those moments that we will never forget. Those...

    Wait Productively Using Your Smartphone

    Waiting for your boyfriend? For a bus? Very long line for a payment? Flight...