Faith Goals Know Her Pia & Ryan

August 2020 Goals + What Happened in July ’20

July 2020 has been a very, very long month for me.

So much happened. So much didn’t happen as well.

Okay, just an update and reminder for myself, I am trying to blog here monthly about my goals, what happened with my previous months, and what didn’t. And here’s what happened for my July 2020 goals.

Will be adding my August 2020 goals as well.

JULY 2020 GOALS — What happened?

In general, even though this month was full of ups and downs, I am still thankful that my family and friends are COVID-19 free (or Covid negative already). Praying for the vaccine to be available soon here in the Philippines and the rest of the world. I think if it will come to the Philippines already, we need to celebrate — at home! Hehe.

Personal Goals

  1. Buy Innova (2nd hand) – Last July 4, 2020, Ryan and I bought our very first family SUV! Meet our newest secondhand Innova — we call him Merlin! Hehe! Ryan and I have been praying for this and we are so glad it happened! We thought we’ll acquire this next year but we are happy that this pushed through earlier than expected. Bought this in cash with a lot of sacrifices.
  2. Buy more stocks after Innova – Bought stocks for our provincial resellers and added some stocks for our winning items. Wish us luck!
  3. Write 4x on Piathought – I have written 1 blog only.
  4. Double the sales for Alltreats (Check us out HERE) – We haven’t even gotten to 50% sales if compared to our goal! 😞 Just got 75% of our sales last June 2020.
  5. Learn how to cook (Currently, I know how to cook Sinigang, Adobo, Tinola, Prito Prito haha) – I have tried how to make monggo, lumpiang shanghai, lumpiang togue. First time!
  6. Marketing and Expansion plan for Alltreats – This is what saddened me most. Haven’t done this that’s why sales went down as well. But we finally have a Masbate Distributor!
  7. Plant more in the vegetable garden with Ryan – This is one of our biggest YEY! Ryan and I have been so into planting veggies! We are now trying hydroponics and we added some new veggies: ampalaya, sitaw, onions, luya, garlic, and we are planning to add talong in the next days! Ryan made our veggie plot bigger and he also made a latayan ng mga gumagapang na veggies!

Family Goals

  1. Play more with Evond (my pamangkin) – Not sure if I can say that I fully made this happen because we are always in the other house. But I bought him an aquarium and he’s so happy!
  2. More kwentuhan with Mama – Can’t say as well if I made more kwentuhan with Mama but we visit our house from time to time. And made sure to have some coffee time. Parying for more kwentuhan and slow time with her.

As mentioned above I really felt that July has been so long for us. So much happened! Aside from the goals mentioned earlier, these are the significant things that happened in July 2020.

Other Significant Things that Happened in July 2020

  1. Ryan and I learned how to drive. And park!? — Thanks Kuya Obet! Proud to say that he only taught us for two days, 1st day 2 hours, 2nd day
  2. We bought an aquarium for our house. But two fishes died the next day.
  3. Bought Mama and Kuya Evond an aquarium too! The nephew is so happy!
  4. Ryan is always trying to renew his license — but fails each time. Frustrating but okay lang!
  5. First time to be invited to a webinar for ALLTREATS – We are so happy, thank you, Millennial Start-Ups and Vien!
  6. The Savings Pinay messaged us for a FREE Feature for our ALLTREATS – Yey! Thank you, Izza!
  7. Mr. Google messaged me for their Western Remittance — yey!


I feel like I always get overwhelmed whenever I have a big project to finish or start. So this month, I promised to list the three main things I need to get done which will impact my life. Saying hello to minimalism as well. LOL!

So yes, I will be limiting my goals to top 3 and will put everything on my bucket list this month. Keeping it simple for my mental health. Hehe!


  1. Double sales from last month for Alltreats
  2. Complete papers for our CamNorte tasks
  3. Apply for online lecture so that I can get my student driver license

August 2020 Bucket List

  1. Visit a beach – been craving for some vitamin sea lately
  2. Dye my hair
  3. Focus on my daily day and night skincare routine
  4. Try out the daily 5-minute journal
  5. More self-care this month
  6. 1 blog per week
  7. Send gifts to closest family and friends
  8. Start minimalism
  9. Plant more veggies

Pia’s Thoughts

July 2020 has been a relief and somewhat a struggle for me. Literally ups and downs! Changes have been everywhere this month and I sometimes feel overwhelmed but happy. Glad Ryan has been so patient and true to his word each and every time I get sad or what. Thanking him really for helping me to be the best version of myself.

Thank You Lord too for our keeping our family and friends COVID-19 Free!

Praying that August will be good to us all and that COVID-19 will not harm our families and friends. I hope that the vaccine will be all over the world soon.

By _Piabernaldo

In love with coffee dates, mountains, and beaches. Currently in the season and process of unlearning, relearning, and learning together with God.

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